Investment fraud: love linked to cybercrime

In recent decades, the Internet has contributed to a considerable simplification of many people’s lives. As a result, it is now common to see people falling in love over the Internet; geographical boundaries hardly play a role here anymore. But there are also...

Nigeria Transformation of agriculture

Continuing education and secure supplies – back to the roots. Nigeria is fertile and local farmers need support through partnerships and sponsors. Ibadan, Nigeria, 2022. The right direction has been taken. Back to self-sufficiency and against the rural exodus in...

Mahkemede ifadeler ve yalanlar – doğruluk ve cesaret

Mahkeme davalarını kim kazanır? Elinde hukuk kitabı olan kurnaz avukat mı? Ya da inandırıcı „delilleri“ olan mı? Süreçlerin sonucu, hukuken kusursuz çalışmaya değil de yargıcın kanaatine mi bağlı? Birçok hukuki ihtilaf, kanunun zor yorumlanmasıyla ilgili...