Ordo Byzantinus Sancti Sepulchri

This is a Website from a lyer.http://www.ordosanctisepulchri.com/news/news.aspx. Don’t believe anything you read on this site.The real original Website you find here www.obss.org. Visit our website under www.obss.org you will be welcome. www.obss.org  ...

The Byzantine Order of the Holy Sepulchre OBSS.org

Es ist der älteste Orden der Welt. Einfach Mitglied werden kann man dort nicht. Es bedarf der Empfehlung von 3 Mitgliedern des Ordens um aufgenommen zu werden. In Deutschland gibt es derzit 30 Mitglieder. Der Orden ist derzeit auf der Suche nach einem...

ordosanctisepulchri.com-a bad Copy?!

some years ago from our order because of incorrect actions. Since this time this fine man tries to build up his own order, this with many false statements. He lies in many things. A court on Malta has like against Him already judgments because one has also ascertained...

Are they swindler- Ordossanctisepulchri?

Are they swindler- ordosanctisepulchri.comEverything what under this domain stands written is a lie. The man this has written became by a court on Malta convicted. He is a liar and swindler. One cannot trust him. You find the original of the order under www.obss.org....